Found at
Returns either an error message (failed response) as string or an object (successful response) that contains a list of templates that can be filtered by matching IDs, which in this case refers to the name specified. If no filter is applied, the API will return all available templates
"status": "succeed",
"data": {
"templates": [
"name": "Actionscript",
"content": "..."
"name": "Ada",
"content": "..."
"name": "Node",
"content": "..."
NOTE: The above list is not exhaustive and there are additional templates available
"status": "failed",
"reason": "<insert error message here>"
Queries can be utilized to filter the list of templates, and IDs can be combined by using a comma (',').
For instance, the query,Smalltalk,Laravel will return the templates for ArchLinuxPackages, Smalltalk and Laravel
However, if a user misspells an ID, for example typing Laraavel instead of Laravel, the API will prompt the user to confirm whether they intended to search for Laravel. If the user denies it, the API will exclude the template for Laravel from the response, but will still return the templates for ArchLinuxPackages and Smalltalk. However, if the user confirms the correction, the API will include the Laravel template in the response.